Welcome To The Restoration Era Blog

This blog contains history of The Restoration,It tell you the history about a king and his empire,and how he started the restoration era. the art,the life and history of the restoration......Enjoy

Monday, May 7, 2012

Facts Of The Restoration

1.What was the population of England in 1660? 5 million.
2.What year did the Restoration Era begin? 1660
3.What is the estimated number of houses lost in the Great Fire of London in 1666?13,200
highlight the end of the question marks to see answer......

(Henry Purcell) A composer of The Restoration

Henry Purcell
Born in 1659 died in 1695,son of a musician at Court, and a chorister at the Chapel Royal, and the holder of continuing royal appointments until his death, Purcell worked in Westminster for three different Kings over twenty-five years.

Food Of The Restoration Era

In the restoration every one was to have feast on certain holiday's.They would eat meats,such as beef,pork,chicken etc......and also eat fruits and breads.
Bon Appetit!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Restoration era (clothing)

The Restoration Era Clothing

The Clothing that they wore in england was quite fashionable,they would have nice clothing,women would wear fancy dresses and the men would wear nice clothing like suits.

This what The Lower class would be wearing below.
Lower class

Monday, April 30, 2012

How The Church Of England Began In The Restoration Era

Church of England Cathedral, St. John's
The Church Of England
Illistration in Cathedral, St. John's, 1871
The restoration era began in 1660,when englanders and the scottish were all rebuilt under King charles the second.They would call this a new-era because King charles him self had a very open mind about innovations and theaters and poetry...He restore a church in england....That was called "The church of england"...The restoration is actually what it sounds like after the ruling of Oliver Cromwell's terrible run of being a king of england...Charles the II had to pick of his slack of being king..and be a better king....